October 11, 12 and 13
Turismo Fundos, in collaboration with IP Património, the City Councils and Turismo do Porto and Norte de Portugal, will promote the holding of clarification sessions, on the conditions of the competitions for the operation of the following railway stations:

  • October 11, 3:30 p.m| Ganfei Station and Senhora da Cabeça Station
  • October 12th, 10:00 a.| Bruçó Station, Vilar do Rei Station, Mogadouro Station, Variz Station and Urrós Station
  • Dia 13 de Outubro, 10h00 | Estação de Moncorvo, Estação do Carvalhal, Estação de Felgar e Estação de Fonte do Prado –
    October 13th, 10:00 a.| Moncorvo Station, Carvalhal Station, Felgar Station and Fonte do Prado Station
  • October 18th, 10:30 a.m. | Freixo de Espada à Cinta Station

The deadline for submitting applications ends on November 21, 2022.
We would like to count on your presence (registrations are mandatory and free).

Freixo de Espada à Cinta Station

Municipality of Freixo De Espada a Cinta

Bruçó Station

Municipality of Mogadouro

Vilar do Rei Station

Municipality of Mogadouro

Mogadouro Station

Municipality of Mogadouro

Variz Station

Municipality of Mogadouro

Urrós Station

Municipality of Mogadouro

Moncorvo Station

Municipality of Torre de Moncorvo

Carvalhal Station

Municipality of Torre de Moncorvo

Felgar Station and Fonte do Prado Station

Municipality of Torre de Moncorvo

Ganfei Station and Senhora da Cabeça Statio

Municipality of Valença